English Country Dancing for 35 years in the village of Wroughton in Wiltshire
Chair - Terry Mockler - 01666 577526 chair@wroughtonFDC.org.uk
Secretary - Judith Randall-Sly 01793 521798 secretary@wroughtonFDC.org.uk
Treasurer - Caroline Markham - 01249 818843 treasurer@wroughtonFDC.org.uk
General Enquiries info@wroughtonFDC.org.uk
Subscriptions Secretary - Shirley Norman
Brenda Robinson
Hazel Chalkin
Mark Osborne
James Reade
If you need more information about us please contact us by e-mail at info@wroughtonFDC.org.uk
Alternatively you may contact any of the committee members listed below who will welcome any questions you may have;